Thursday, December 26, 2019

Happiness is the Starting Place - my book is now on Amazon


My book Happiness is the Starting Place is now on Amazon in ebook and paperback formats. This is the blurb:

Happiness is the Starting Place is for people who wonder if the common views of humankind and life might be wrong. For example, you might think it’s suspicious that of all the creatures in the universe, human beings are the only ones who are lacking, flawed, and in need of fixing. If that common view of people is wrong, then what caused it and what might be the actual truth of the matter?

We inherited views of people and life from a time when existence was hard. So what will happen if we temporarily stop the old philosophical narratives? This book is about that investigation. It is about a new freeway that is only revealed after you close the old detours. By reading this book you will discover surprising perspectives on big issues like:
  • The power of contexts
  • The implicit meaning of life
  • Morality
  • Happiness
  • Why self-development is superfluous
  • Liberation from illusion
  • Creating utopia

This is the essential outline of my philosophy:
  1. Happiness is the implicit meaning of life because everything we do is ultimately for some form of happiness.
  2. There are two categories of happiness—reliable being and temporary doing.
  3. But society promotes only doing, and so we forget being and become dependent on doing.
  4. Subsequently, failure creates guilt, and success becomes stale.
  5. The remedy is to understand how being is obscured.
  6. Then we see the need to end illusion in the world, which is the same as creating a utopia.
  7. This goal is easy because we only need to promote enquiry into how happiness works while staying in touch with our innate goodwill.
  8. The outcome would be a world where doing optimally augments being.

Here is the paperback

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